
PROJECTS 2013 – 2023


Current Reach

We are privileged to currently offer training in the Northern Cape, Limpopo, Free State, Gauteng and Western Cape provinces. Our current credit bearing training projects ranges from Business Practice L1, New Venture Creation (SMME) L2 and L4, End User Computer training L3, Generic Management L4 and L5, ODETDP L5 Skills Programmes, Project Management L4 and multiple short courses and Unit Standard Based trainings.

Our clients ranges from a Multi-National Corporate company, Higher Education Institutions, NPOs, Small Business Owners, Community Based service organisations, Skills Development Providers and Social Enterprises. We offer our trainings to groups as small as 2 people on demand and our largest current project is 55 delegates.

We add new projects to our portfolio monthly, but are especially proud of exiting each and every project we take on in the shortest time possible without compromising quality and satisfaction of our clients.

Computer Training – Saldanha Bay Municipality

Creatividad Consulting was appointed as Skills Development Provider for Excel and Work Intermediate and Advance Training for 88 staff members of the Saldanha Bay Municipality in Vredenburg. Creatividad offered 3-day training sessions from 27 September, every weekday until the 25th of October.

This project is indeed an endurance test for our adjusted COVID-compliant rollout adjustments for our face-to-face training option. Thank you for the dedication, accommodation and value-add of the HGG NPO Academy facilitators and team!

Social Facilitation Plan – Robertson Area

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Social Facilitation Plan Development – Robertson Area

Child and Youth Care Work Learnership Training – Kimberley

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Child and Youth Care Work

Generic Management Level 4 – In partnership with Growth Factor – RCL Foods

Saldanha Bay Municipality Customer Care Training

New Venture Creation Learnership Training – Bloemfontein

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New Venture Creation – Bloemfontein

ODETDP Level 5 Training

Occupationally Directed Education Training and Development Practice NQF Level 5

Special Needs School – New Venture Creation Skills Programme Training

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Marti Du Plessis School – Bloemfontein


New Venture Creation (SMME) Training – Bloemfontein

New Venture Creation (SMME) training kicked off in January 2020 with 34 learners from a group of employers in Bloemfontein.

New Venture Creation (SMME) Skills Programme Training – Bloemfontein

A small group of learners participating in a Skills Programme of 52 Credits training project at Marti Du Plessis School for special needs learners.

Business Administration Training – Bethlehem

Creatividad, in partnership with Afri Training Institute, training 10 staff members from Free State Care in Action on Business Administration Services, qualification in Bethlehem. This project kicked off in December 2019.

HWSETA Grant – 2019/2020

The HWSETA allocated an Adult Education and Training (AET) Grant to Creatividad for implementing MS Office training as well as for a non-aligned Sewing Project. These projects kicked off late November with Excel Level 3 & Level 4 training from our MICT SETA accreditation scope. Creatividad decided to honor repeat clients from the NGO sector as recipients of this grant and allocated the 50 grants to:

The Sewing Project will be implemented in collaboration with Creative Start. Starter packs with all the necessary tools for home-use needlework were handed over in December to the 10 beneficiaries of the grant and training sessions on the sewing machines purchased in January 2020, will enable the participants to built their skills and participate in small projects.