Creatividad offers consultancy services as a one-stop Home within the Skills Development Sector.
We aim to contribute to positive solutions, come up with new ideas, generate creative solutions to challenges and gets involved where a fresh, creative perspective is needed.
Creatividad Academy offers custom made training and is Accredited with the following SETAs:

Lead Consultant

Liezl van der Westhuizen has been working in people-development since 1995 within different sectors, organisations and companies. This includes the Faith-based sector, Non-Governmental sector, Higher and Further Education and Training sector, Local Government as well as the Private Sector. With a Masters Degree in Social Science, combined with over 25 years of rich experience, she has a unique approach to any business process, provides creative solutions to challenges, and guides processes through untested waters to new heights.
Creatividad offers our services to any company, organisation or individual. We have a large client list of NGOs, NPOs, Government, Private Sector and Civil Society companies. We offer each a client-centered solution to their specific needs.
We offer a standard 5% discount to clients running not-for-profit companies or organisations. Please request this discount and provide us with supporting documents as confirmation.
