Monthly Retainer – ENTRY Level

R 2,484.00 VAT Inclusive

Creatividad wishes to offer monthly service packages for engagement to current and future clients. If you wish to acquire our expertise on a regular base with the added benefit to having access to a website by invitation only, be mentioned on our website and social media platforms and to ensure dedicated support, please consider one of our monthly retainer service packages.

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Creatividad understands that your Skills Development Needs change on a regular base. We also know that you might need coInitial consultation session as an introduction – on-site or on Zoom/Skypentinuous support to manage your staff development in a constructive manner, but might not always have the time to focus on this.

We offer to assist your company/organisation with this through dedicated time spend on a monthly base.

This ENTRY LEVEL monthly support package includes:

  • Initial consultation session as an introduction – on-site or on Zoom/Skype
  • Consultation Session Online or On-Site – 2 hours per month
  • Consultation Support Off-site – 2 hours per month
  • Social Media Mention (on Creatividad platforms) – promoting b2b recommendation

Ts & Cs:

  • Appointments need to be confirmed in advance and are not transferable to the next month (except if the retainer is obtained after the 15th of the month).
  • Currently, on-site services are available in Cape Town and surrounding areas (travel cost excluded for areas outside 50km radius of Cape Town CBD). For other areas, Zoom/Skype support is available instead of on-site.
  • Packages can be booked in cycles of 2-months and can be upgraded and downgraded with 1 month’s notice.
  • Additional hours can be added for off-site support at R450 per hour or on-site at R550 per hour.

Once you’ve booked this retainer, please email us at to set up an initial consultation session to introduce myself to you and your organisation/company to me.

CreatividadENTRY Retainer

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