50334 NC: ODETD Practitioner, Level 5

R 30,000.00 VAT Inclusive

This qualification will be useful for:

·         Learning facilitators.

·         Assessors.

·         Learners and learning supporters.

·         Skills Development Facilitators.



ODETDCreatividad Consulting

ELO1. Communicate in a variety of ETD settings:

·         Communication is carried out using media appropriate to the audience and setting.

·         Communication of facts, concepts, ideas and principles related to specific learning areas is clear and consistent with the requirements of the learning area.

ELO2. Design and develop learning programmes and processes:

·         Training needs are clearly defined in terms of outcomes, and are linked to performance requirements on the job.

·         Learning outcomes are aligned with given standards, including unit standards, assessment standards, qualifications or job requirements

ELO3. Facilitate and evaluate learning:

·         Preparation is sufficient to ensure all resources and arrangements are in place and the learning site is fit-for-purpose.

·         Formal plans and structures are implemented according to plans, using appropriate methodologies and in a manner that achieves the learning objectives.

·         Facilitation is professional and ensures the physical and psychological safety of the learners.

·         Problems are solved appropriately using a range of techniques.

·         Facilitation provides for application in the workplace.

·         The facilitation approach creates opportunities for assessment.

·         Facilitation is self-monitored and behaviour is modified to address weaknesses or difficulties.

ELO4. Engage in and promote assessment practices:

·         Assesses are adequately supported, prepared and assisted in assessment and/or RPL processes, without compromising the assessment process or results.

·         Assessment practices are in line with the principles of outcomes-based assessment and maximise opportunities for integrated assessment.

·         Assessment decisions are reliable and relevant to pre-determined outcomes.

·         Feedback is relevant and is given in a constructive manner.

·         Assessment results are used to improve learning design and facilitation

ELO 5. Provide learning support to learners and organisations:

·         Learners requiring support are identified proactively and sensitively.

·         Support is given in a manner that enables learners to define objectives, clarify issues, help manage expectations and identify learning path and opportunities.

·         Support assists learners to identify and understand assessment opportunities, processes and benefits, including the nature and benefits of RPL.

·         Support ensures learners experience the maximum benefit from learning and assessment, and helps them prepare for and cope with learning and assessment.

·         Barriers to learning are identified and problems are solved cooperatively within given frameworks. Referrals are made as required.

·         Support helps to create a safe learning environment and promotes objectives of learning and the principle of life-long learning.

·         Advice is helpful, realistic, relevant, valid, impartial and based on learner needs.

ELO 6. Conduct skills development facilitation:

·         Information and advice on skills development issues is consistent with current skills development practices and requirements.

·         Information and advice on skills development issues is in line with the needs of the organisation.

Note: If learners choose this role as their one specialisation area, then the following criteria will also apply:

·         Skills development plans address individual learning needs and are aligned with organisational strategic objectives.

·         Learning is promoted in line with individual and organisational needs, using appropriate and effective communication techniques.

·         Records are clear, accessible, accurate and up to date.

·         ETD interventions are coordinated in line with the organisational skills development plan



The Purpose of the ODETD Level 5 Qualification

This qualification is for those who want to build on a FETC in any field to enter the field of ODETD as a potential career, and have little or no previous exposure to ETD. The qualification will also be valuable for those who may have been practicing within the field, but without formal recognition.

This qualification will be useful for:

·         Learning facilitators.

·         Assessors.

·         Learners and learning supporters.

·         Skills Development Facilitators.

This qualification will provide practitioners with the general ETD skills required at NQF level 5 across five key ETD roles, with the opportunity to specialize further in one of the following four roles:

·         Design and develop learning interventions.

·         Facilitate learning.

·         Design and conduct assessments.

·         Facilitate skills development.

Practitioners will generally carry out their role within the context of:

·         Given Quality Assurance policies, procedures, and processes.

·         A guided and supported learning environment.

The development of skills within and for the workplace is a priority within South Africa, as supported by legislation, national policies, and strategies. Much of the needed skills development is carried out by people who have knowledge and skills within their area of expertise but lack the required skills in relation to ETD. Many of the skills development objectives, nationally and within companies and organizations, are met through the efforts of ETD practitioners operating at NQF Level 5, and this certificate addresses the key competencies of such practitioners.

This qualification will meet the need of those who wish to progress beyond the FETC ODETD, or who wish to enter the field of ETD for the first time. The certificate will also help to increase the employment prospects of ETD practitioners while helping to ensure quality and competence within the ETD field.

This qualification will provide a means to recognize ODETD practice at level 5 across five key ETD roles in a generalist capacity, with particular application possible in at least one role. Practitioners who wish to extend the skills in ETD to cover further ETD roles should select the Diploma ODETD, Level 5.

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